Trust is everything

To put it simply - we believe in sharing our knowledge for free, so that everyone could get a better night’s sleep. Since our main goal is to help our readers make informed, mattress-related decisions, we take pride in our honesty & full transparency.

To provide you with the most up-to-date, fact-based mattress reviews & advice, we have created a dedicated team of independent sleep experts & pro researchers. Our team is relatively small, but that’s our power - we are all genuine, focused and hard-working.

During our professional careers, we all have developed methods on how to evaluate a mattress correctly & which features are the most important. We have put our insights and experiences together and now all the mattresses are evaluated with in-depth, comprehensive research & analysis. So if you decide to choose a mattress, you can feel completely confident and calm about your decision.

We are really happy to say that all the content found on our website is completely free. You’ll never see any kind of hidden subscription models or fees. We want our content to be accessible for everyone who wants to sleep like babies. I mean, we sleep half our lives, so why shouldn’t we make it amazing?

Honesty is the best policy

Honesty is rare in the market of review sites. MyBestMattress is an example of what a genuine informational review website should be. We take it personally. That’s why we are proudly disclosing the way we keep our website alive & free for thousands of readers and sleep lovers. Different from the majority of review sites, we:

  • Never do paid rankings
  • Never turn a blind eye to mattress flaws or issues
  • Never do biased paid reviews
  • Never do paid ads
  • Never do paid research or announcements

How do we operate?

Since our core value is honesty, we want to be open about the way the site gets funding. Financial support is really important for keeping our independence, being able to carry out extensive research and, most importantly, for maintaining our website as a free source of unbiased advice. With that in mind, we are really proud that MyBestMattress is a reader-supported project.

The site’s most important funding form is donations from our loyal readers and people we help. Site’s content mostly depends on readers support and in order to get you the best deals & price offers, the site may also receive a small affiliate commission if a reader chooses to purchase products through some links on the site, at no extra cost to the reader. Also, as an Amazon Associate, the website sometimes may earn from qualifying purchases. Have in mind that referral fees never impact the review process and the final score, it is affirmed only afterwards the content is published.

You might wonder why are we declaring it so openly - honesty, transparency and independence is what sets us apart. We hope you’ll find your dream mattress and sleep like a baby!